The world's first car magic show took place successfully on May 23, 2020. Julius Frack was the first illusionist to perform his show worldwide in a new format in front of almost 100 cars.
The enthusiasm could not be overlooked when Julius said goodbye to the big live stage after 75 minutes and the spectators in the cars gave him their ovation with a concert of horns, hazard lights and flashing lights.
The new, exciting experience of driving to a show arrived. The show took place on an open-air stage, with spectators seated in their cars in the area in front. The events on stage were also played back as live images on two screens by three cameras, and the sound was transmitted via FM via the car radio.
The idea for the first live car magic show was born out of necessity. Due to the Corona restrictions and the cancellation of all classic events, a new format had to be found in order to offer people live entertainment even in Corona times. After a quick selection process, Gärtringen emerged as the venue for the first car magic show. Inspired by the great success of the first edition, there is now a continuation of the successful format.
Julius Frack: “I love giving people a little magic and wonder in their everyday lives, but it is not certain whether we will still be able to do this after the crisis. Like all artists, I am also very badly affected by the crisis and we are currently losing all of our income. An entire industry is currently up for grabs. It is all the more important that we play formats that represent an alternative to the classic event.”
Julius Frack will be performing his car magic show on June 13th, 2020 in front of the Glass Palace in Sindelfingen.
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